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2010/10/22.23(取消)國際研討會來囉!!!Toward an Egalitarian Global Welfare Capitalism: Reflections on Democratization and Recent Labour /Social Policy Reform in International Debates

Toward an Egalitarian Global Welfare Capitalism: Reflections on Democratization and Recent Labour /Social Policy Reform in International Debates

Conference Location:
National Dong Hwa University 五守樓五樓會議室

Primary Program

Day 1: Oct. 22 (Fri.)14:00~18:30

*Keynote Speech 1

Speaker: Michael S. Chen
Chair of Taiwanese Association for Social Welfare (TASW)

*Keynote Speech 2

Topic 1: Dissolving a Bismarckian Pension Regime: The German Example of Reforms
Speaker: Karl Hinrichs
Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Political Science, Humboldt University, Berlin

*Session 1

Topic 1: Politics of Welfare Reforms in South Korea: End of the Welfare State Expansion?
Speaker: Won-Sub Kim
Assistant Professor of Department of Sociology, Korea University, South Korea

Topic 2: Welfare Restructuring in Taiwan: the Example of Old Age Income System
Speaker: Ming-Fang Chen
Assistant Professor of Department of Social Welfare, National Chung Cheng University

Day 2: Oct. 23 (Sat.)9:00~16:40

*Session 2

Topic 1: Mainland China’s Social Policy in the New Period: The Challenges and Policy Responses
Speaker: Xin-Ping Guan
Professor and Chair of Department of Social Work and Social Policy, Nan Kai University

Topic 2: Can the East-Asian Welfare Capitalism Sustain the Challenge of Globalization?
Speaker: Peter Jen-Der Lue
Associate Professor of Department of Social Welfare, National Chung Cheng University

*Session 3

Topic 1: Care Diamonds in Asian Compressed Modernity: Varieties of Familialism in Asia
Speaker: Emiko Ochiai
Professor of Department of Sociology, Kyoto University

Topic 2: Generational Redistribution within Chinese Immigrant Families: Unpaid Transnational Caregiving and Its Implications for Global Social Policy
Speaker: Rachel Zhou
Assistant Professor School of Social Work; and Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition, McMaster University

最後更新日期 : 2010-10-22